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Sales Automation with ActiveCampaign: Part 1 - Increase your Website Traffic

The question of how to convert an anonymous visitor of your website into a customer who decides to buy one of your products is essential in digital marketing. ActiveCampaign provides a powerful tool for automating your marketing and sales processes including pre-built automation which can be adapted to your specific needs. This is the first part of a two-part series about increasing your website traffic with ActiveCampaign.

Automation in ActiveCampaign for Campaign sharing on Social Media

Increasing your website traffic is the first goal of inbound marketing. There are multiple ways to achieve this goal. For example, you can increase your traffic by rewarding certain actions that spread your campaign. To promote sharing your campaign, you can insert a short call to action (CTA) in your marketing assets, e.g., "Share this campaign on Facebook and Twitter and get a 10% reduction on your next order.". Then you just need to build an email with a coupon in ActiveCampaign and the tool does the rest.

The following automation sends an email with a coupon to every contact who shares your email with Facebook or Twitter.

Automation in ActiveCampaign for tagging interested Leads 

Of course, it is not enough to just increase our traffic. Contacts which show real interest in your products will likely visite your website again. You can tag these returning contacts and nurture them later.

With this pre-built automation, you can identify contacts with multiple visits of a certain subpage. These contacts could have a higher potential for purchase. In this example, the criterion for adding a tag to a contact is at least 5 subpage visits. This tag can later be used to start new automation for establishing a relationship to your potential customers. It also allows personalised messaging based on the interest which increases the chance that your potential customers will open and read your emails.

Conclusion: Increasing the traffic of your website is essential for inbound marketing. Page visits on your website generate data. You can use this data to personalise your customer journey and boost your sales. In the next part of this series, we show you how to increase your sales using ActiveCampaign.


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